When a project reaches its deadline and is successfully funded, pledge collection begins and each backer’s pledge will enter into one of the following states:
- Collected: The pledge was successfully collected and the backer is showing as active in the Backer Report.
- Cancelled: The pledge was cancelled by the backer while the project was still live. Backers who cancel can pledge again, if they want to, as long as the project hasn’t ended yet.
- Errored: The pledge failed to collect upon the project reaching its deadline. When a backer’s payment can’t be collected, we’ll send them instructions on how to fix their pledge and will continue to do so every 48 hours for 7 days. They can also fix their pledge by logging into their Kickstarter account and clicking on the "Fix Payment" banner at the top of the page.
Backers with errored pledges will have 7 days from the project's deadline to update their payment method. At the end of this period, we’ll automatically try to collect their pledge again. If this attempt fails, the backer will be dropped from the campaign and it will no longer be possible to collect their pledge. - Authentication required: This status is less common, and in these instances, backers are required to complete some additional verification via their card issuer to ensure that the charge is approved and the pledge can be collected.
- Dropped: The pledge failed to collect, even after the 7 day grace period, and the backer has now been removed from the campaign.
You're welcome to reach out to dropped backers and try to arrange an alternative method for them to support your project. Please note, however, that any additional contributions beyond the funding deadline won’t be reflected on Kickstarter – not on the backer’s account or in your Backer Report. - Disputed: The pledge has been collected successfully, but the charge is being challenged by the backer and their bank as a chargeback. In these cases, it’s likely the backer does not recognize the charge as associated with their pledge. Here, you’ll want to reach out to the backer to clarify the status of their pledge, explain the charge, and let them know that they will need to close the dispute in order to secure their support as a backer of your project.
*Please note that fees are only taken from successfully collected pledges. If we are not able to successfully collect a pledge, no fees will be incurred for that dropped pledge.