If a project you've backed on Kickstarter reaches its funding goal, your chosen payment method will be charged your full pledge amount. The way that your charge appears on your credit or bank statement will differ slightly for each project you back, but they all follow the same format.
The statement charge will begin with KICKSTARTER: followed by the first 9 characters of the name of the project you backed. (i.e. A project titled "Platipay Debut Album" will appear on your statement as KICKSTARTER:PLATIPAY.) Although we format our charge descriptions in this way, your financial institution might adjust how this appears on your statement.
If you're unsure about whether or not a charge is from Kickstarter, or if you simply don’t recognize the transaction, please reach out to your bank or credit company first to confirm the charge's associated merchant. If, after doing so, you are still unsure about a charge, please contact our Support team.