When a backer pledges to your project they are issued a backer number. This number is assigned on a first come, first serve basis and can be exported along with all other backer details in your backer report.
When exporting your backer report, the exported CSV file will have this information listed under a “Backer Number” column. This number should remain consistent after exporting and importing the information.
Why does the number of backers not match the number on my backer report?
Backer numbers are assigned in ascending order, and no number will be used twice. This means that if a backer should cancel their pledge, their number will no longer appear on your backer report. For example, you may have 24 backers, but the last number on your backer report is 25. This will be due to an earlier backer canceling their pledge.
Where can a backer find their backer number?
Backers will be able to locate their backer number in their pledge confirmation email (the subject line will be: “You just backed [project name]”).
They can also find their backer number by going to their Backed projects page, and clicking the round “+” button to the right-hand side of the corresponding project. This will take them to a pledge summary page and their backer number can be found at the bottom of the ‘Backing details’ tab.
Alternatively, after a project has ended successfully, backers will be able to find their backer number by clicking “View pledge” in the blue banner at the top of the project page.