After a campaign has ended, it’s not uncommon for some pledges to fail to collect. In these cases, we reach out to backers with reminders to fix their pledges. However, if a backer doesn’t resolve their payment issues within 7 days of your project's deadline, their pledge will be dropped and they will no longer be considered a backer of the project on Kickstarter.
There is no way to extend the timeframe to fix a pledge, nor is there a way for a backer to support the project through Kickstarter after the 7 day grace period.
Creators will still receive the balance of collected funds, less fees, even if the final amount falls below your project's funding goal due to dropped pledges. Kickstarter will only collect fees on the funds that we are able to successfully collect.
In accordance with our Terms of Use, creators will still be liable for completing their project and fulfilling rewards. If the final funding amount that you receive is significantly lower than your funding goal due to dropped pledges, you may want to consider refunding your backers and relaunching your campaign.
Please note: Your project page will not be updated to reflect dropped backers or pledges. The full amount raised, including the number of backers, will be locked on your project page when your campaign ends. You can still sort through collected or dropped pledges via your backer report — this will give you an accurate summary of where your collected funds originated. If you notice the amount raised is different to the amount you received, you’ll want to consult your dropped pledges and take these into account in your calculations.