You can keep track of your pledges through your Backed projects page.
In the active pledges section, you'll be able to see your current live pledges, the amounts you've decided to pledge, the rewards you've selected, and more important details. If you'd like to change a pledge amount or reward selection, just click on the project title next to the corresponding pledge and select edit next to your pledge amount.
The successful pledges section lists all pledges for which you've already been charged. This will include any Late Pledges made through Kickstarter. Under the ‘Status’ column you will be able to see the latest status for your reward, if that information has been provided by the creator*. You can also keep track of received rewards by checking the "Got it!" box next to each project. If the creator has used Kickstarter’s survey tool you can view your responses by clicking the round “+” button to the right-hand side of the project name.
The unsuccessful pledges section documents all of your pledges that won't be charged, in addition to any pledges that were refunded. This includes projects that were not successfully funded, pledges that you decided to cancel, as well as pledges for suspended projects.
To locate your backer number for a successful project, you can do so by either clicking the round “+” button to the right-hand side of the project name, or by selecting “View pledge” from the blue banner at the top of the project page. This will take you to a pledge summary page where you can review the details of your pledge and find your backer number at the bottom of the ‘Backing details’ tab.
If you’ve backed a project that you can no longer find under your active or successful pledges, you’ll want to look for it within the unsuccessful pledges section as the pledge may have been refunded by the creator or suspended by our team.
*Please note that the reward status information isn’t currently available when viewing pledge details through the Kickstarter app.